Special issue now out! “Gender and Sexuality in Live Streaming”

I’m very excited to announce that the special issue of Television and New Media that Johanna Brewer and I co-edited is now published online!

The special issue is all about different ways that gender and sexuality manifest in various forms of live streaming – from queer streaming to the erotics of streaming to debates over streamers’ gendered legitimacy. It features 9 original research articles written by 10 amazing scholars pursuing work on live streaming and digital culture – plus an introduction by myself and Johanna that argues for the importance of addressing gender and sexuality when we study live streaming, both today and across its history.

The pieces are currently published “online first,” so you can find them on the TVNM website. Here is a list of the articles with direct links to each piece:

– Introduction: “Digital Intimacy in Real Time: Live Streaming Gender and Sexuality,” Bo Ruberg and Johanna Brewer

“Beauty From the Waist Up: Twitch Drag, Digital Labor, and Queer Mediated Liveness,” Christopher Persaud and Matthew Perks

“’Love You, Bro’: Performing Homosocial Intimacies on Twitch,” Tom Welch

“‘Never Battle Alone’: Egirls and the Gender(ed) War on Video Game Live Streaming as ‘Real’ Work,” Christine Tran

“A Labor of (Queer) Love: Maintaining ‘Cozy Wholesomeness’ on Twitch During COVID-19 and Beyond,” Jordan Youngblood

“How Not to Be Seen: Notes on the Gendered Intimacy of Livestreaming the Covid-19 Pandemic,” Daniel Lark

“Just on the Right Side of Wrong: (De)Legitimizing Feminism in Video Game Live Streaming,” Amanda Cullen

“Desiring Wanghuang: Live Streaming, Porn Consumption and Acts of Citizenship among Gay Men in Digital China,” Lin Song

“‘Cute Goddess is Actually an Aunty’: The Evasive Middle-Aged Woman Streamer and Normative Performances of Femininity in Video Game Streaming,” Maria Ruotsalainen

“Why Do We Only Get Anime Girl Avatars? Collective White Heteronormative Avatar Design in Live Streams,” Noel Brett

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